
Does Birth Control Cost Money Blue Cross Blue Shield

Is birth control covered by your insurance? Are y'all concerned about the cost of birth control?When it comes to the facts on nascence control coverage, hither'due south what you need to know.

1. You accept rights as a patient.

When information technology comes to accessing nascence control, you gotta know your rights! Planned Parenthood is here to help everyone get the birth control they need — no matter where you're from or what your citizenship status is. The following guidance aims to support patients and their families in being enlightened of their rights as immigrants.

2. Americans back up including birth command under health insurance plans as preventive health intendance.

  • Birth control use is nearly universal.  Ninety-nine per centum of all sexually experienced women and 98% of sexually experienced Catholic women take used it at some bespeak in their lives.

  • Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed in 2010, nigh health insurance companies have been required to cover nativity control at no copay in their plans. The nativity control mandate finally made this essential wellness care service affordable. Only the ACA and its birth control coverage mandate take been under assault by anti-birth control politicians.

  • L-six pct of voters back up the ACA birth control coverage benefit, including 53% of Catholic voters and 62% of Catholics who place themselves equally independents, co-ordinate to a Public Policy Polling Poll.
  • Sixty-five percentage of Millennials (people born between 1981 and 1996) believe that employer health insurance coverage should include birth command at no cost.

3. Access to birth control improves the health of women and their families.

There'southward a reason nascence command was included every bit preventive health care — a panel of doctors recommended it.  The nonpartisan Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended that birth control be covered as women'south preventive intendance because information technology is fundamental to improving not only women'southward health, but the wellness of their families every bit well.  Medical research has demonstrated this fact for decades. Improved admission to birth control is directly linked to declines in maternal and babe bloodshed.

4. Birth control has had a profound and positive impact on women's lives.

Co-ordinate to a Guttmacher written report, a majority of women say birth control allowed them to accept improve care of themselves or their families (63%), support themselves financially (56%), complete their instruction (51%), or go along or go a job (50%).

5. People struggle with the cost of birth control.

This is not just a wellness issue, it's an economic consequence.  The cost of nascence control, with or without insurance, tin take a toll on a person's bank account.

  • More than a third of female person voters take struggled to beget prescription nascence control at some betoken in their lives, and as a result, used nascence control inconsistently.
  • This isn't surprising because co-pays for nativity command pills typically range between $15 and $50 per calendar month.  That adds upward to over $600 per year.  Other methods, such as IUDs, can cost several hundred dollars, fifty-fifty with wellness insurance.

6. Whatever expansion of refusal policies and restrictive birth control rules could deny millions of people access to nativity control.

The Trump assistants has tried to enact rules that promote employers' religious behavior over workers' ability to admission affordable nascence command. The rules would make information technology easier for employers to opt out of the ACA's requirement to provide birth control coverage in their employer-sponsored insurance plans.

  • Taking abroad the do good of copay-costless birth control coverage would affect all people who need birth command — including Catholics and non-Catholics.  The people who stand to lose birth command coverage without the ACA's do good includesnearly 800,000 people who work for Catholic hospitals and receive these benefits through their employer-sponsored health insurance plans.  (The Catholic-affiliated organisation is so large, one in 6 Americans gets care there.)
  • Approximately ii million students and workers at universities with religious affiliations.
  • Forty iii pct of students at Cosmic universities and colleges are not Catholic.

What this adds up to: millions of hardworking Americans losing access to this disquisitional benefit.

7. Declining to provide birth control coverage is sex discrimination.

Prescription contraceptives are used exclusively by people with female reproductive systems.  Failure to provide coverage for prescription contraceptive drugs and devices in health plans that otherwise encompass prescription drugs violates the Civil Rights Act considering it singles out women. Past treating medication needed for a pregnancy-related condition less favorably, failure to cover birth control constitutes discrimination on the ground of sex.

Online political ads directing to this page are paid for by Planned Parenthood Activity Fund or Planned Parenthood Votes, as designated in the relevant online political advertizing, 123 William St. 10th Fl., NY NY 10038, and are not authorized by whatever candidate or candidate'south committee.


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